berlin workの例文


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  1. Soon they were exported to Britain and the United States, where " Berlin work " became all the rage.
  2. In August 2016, a personal exhibition, " The Berlin Works " by Evgeny Chubarov, opened at Osthaus-Museum Hagen in Germany.
  3. He was a staunch advocate of abandoning faddish Berlin work in favour of more expressive embroidery techniques based on Opus Anglicanum.
  4. Study of the Berlin work reveals a heartwood ring from 1406, and approximates a felling date for the timber in the early 1420s.
  5. In the late 1880s, the demand for Berlin wool work decreased dramatically, largely because the tastes had changed, but Berlin work publishers failed to accommodate new tastes.


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  11. "berlin wool work"の例文
  12. "berlin woolwork"の例文
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