- However, her husband soon began to stray, often disappearing for days at a time, and for years she lived a miserable existence with the irresponsible Biais.
- En cr閍nt ?Les rencontres internationales de Th殁tre en Corse ? l'acteur a voulu favoriser la cr閍tion th殁trale par le biais d'閏hanges entre com閐iens de divers horizons.
- A woman of intelligence and with a sense of aloof grace, at age 42 she met and married the French artist, Maurice Biais ( c . 18751926 ), and the couple moved to a home in Jouy-en-Josas at the outskirts of Paris.
- Toeholds and Takeovers Journal of Political Economy, 1999 . ( Also reprinted in New Research in Corporate Finance and Banking, B . Biais and M . Pagano ( eds . ), Oxford University Press, 2002 . ) Jeremy Bulow, Ming Huang and Paul Klemperer.
- Ces quatre 閜is devaient 阾re accol閟 ?la jet閑 sud du port militaire, parall鑜es les uns par rapport aux autres, dispos閟 en biais par rapport ?la jet閑 et enracin閟 tous les 250 m environ, le premier 閜i 閠ant enracin??environ 600 m de l'enracinement de la jet閑.