biak numfor regencyの例文


  1. "' Cendrawasih Stadium "'is the main sports venue of Biak Numfor Regency, Papua.
  2. The bodies, so decomposed that they could not be recognized, were found on shores in Biak Numfor regency, a string of islands off the northern coast of New Guinea, the official Antara news agency said.
  3. Biak Numfor Regency covers an area of 2, 602 km 2 . and had a population of 126, 798 at the 2010 Census; the latest official estimate ( as at January 2014 ) is 156, 023.
  4. "' Biak Numfor Regency "'is one of the Biak and Numfor; the remaining large island within the group, Supiori Island, was split off to form a separate Supiori Regency on 8 January 2004.
  5. "' Supiori Regency "'( ) is a Supiori, one of the Biak Islands within Cenderawasih Bay off the north coast of Papua ( the rest of the Biak Islands comprise a separate Biak Numfor Regency of Papua Province ); south of Supiori lie the small coral islands Aruri ( Insumbabi ) and Rani.


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