billet moldingの例文


  1. Three dimensional flow field numerical simulation of molten steel in billet mold
  2. Numerical simulation of inclusion trajectory in the billet mold with el ectromagnetic brake
  3. Numerical simulation of electromagnetic field and meniscus shape in soft contacting billet mold
  4. Numerical simulation of electromagnetic field by the finite element and boundary element methods in the soft - contacting billet mold


  1. "billet forging"の例文
  2. "billet grille"の例文
  3. "billet grilles"の例文
  4. "billet in"の例文
  5. "billet mill"の例文
  6. "billet moulding"の例文
  7. "billet on"の例文
  8. "billet production"の例文
  9. "billet pusher"の例文
  10. "billet reading"の例文
  11. "billet in"の例文
  12. "billet mill"の例文
  13. "billet moulding"の例文
  14. "billet on"の例文

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