boat - billed heronの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2
  1. The boat-billed heron is about 54 cm long.
  2. The exception to this is the boat-billed heron, which pairs up away from the nesting site.
  3. Our reward was a show of boat-billed herons _ birds with close-set eyes and long broad beaks that reminded me of baboons.
  4. The primaries feathers ( the boat-billed heron has only nine ), 15 20 secondaries and 12 rectrices ( 10 in the bitterns ).
  5. This bill has been identified as belonging to the boat-billed heron, a locally abundant bird along the Tabasco and southern Veracruz Gulf Coast.


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  14. "boat amphibian"の例文

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