

    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6
  1. In 1998, Borcherds was awarded the Fields medal for his work.
  2. Borcherds, 38, also has held a professorship at the University of California in Berkeley since 1993.
  3. The relation runs very deep and, as demonstrated by Richard Borcherds, it also involves generalized Kac Moody algebras.
  4. Borcherds used this theory to resolve some long-standing conjectures concerning quasi-affineness of certain moduli spaces of algebraic surfaces.
  5. Baron-Cohen concluded that while Borcherds had many autistic traits, he did not merit a formal diagnosis of Asperger syndrome.


  1. "borche"の例文
  2. "borchelt"の例文
  3. "borchen"の例文
  4. "borcher"の例文
  5. "borcherding"の例文
  6. "borcherdt"の例文
  7. "borchers"の例文
  8. "borchert"の例文
  9. "borchert field"の例文
  10. "borcherts"の例文
  11. "borcher"の例文
  12. "borcherding"の例文
  13. "borcherdt"の例文
  14. "borchers"の例文

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