

    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. The first home game invocation of the sacred bovine of 1996.
  2. Lift a glass of milk and toast the first flying bovine.
  3. With your handy guide, you can be a bovine Einstein.
  4. Or how about maybe appoint a Congressional Bovine Burp Task Force.
  5. Amazon employees have thrown themselves into their yokes like bovine missionaries.


  1. "bovine viral diarrhea viruses"の例文
  2. "bovine viral diarrhoea"の例文
  3. "bovine viral diarrhoea virus"の例文
  4. "bovine virus diarrhea"の例文
  5. "bovinely"の例文
  6. "bovines"の例文
  7. "bovinest"の例文
  8. "boving"の例文
  9. "bovingdon"の例文
  10. "bovingdon airfield"の例文
  11. "bovine virus diarrhea"の例文
  12. "bovinely"の例文
  13. "bovines"の例文
  14. "bovinest"の例文

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