breaking downの例文


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  1. this saves us the trouble of breaking down the wall .
  2. breaking down the captivity of negativity .
    ネガティブな気分を... 壊すのは、 俺たちの仕事だ。
  3. same goes for panicking , breaking down into tears .
    パニックや涙声でも、だ。 覚えたか?
  4. same goes for panicking , breaking down into tears .
    パニックや涙声でも、だ。 覚えたか?
  5. i remember breaking down in tears and thinking to myself


  1. "breaking curfew"の例文
  2. "breaking current"の例文
  3. "breaking dance"の例文
  4. "breaking defect"の例文
  5. "breaking depth"の例文
  6. "breaking down (e.g. in the middle of a bout)"の例文
  7. "breaking down a position by eliminating an equal number of black and white stones to analyze"の例文
  8. "breaking down of a cell layer"の例文
  9. "breaking down of cultural barriers"の例文
  10. "breaking defect"の例文
  11. "breaking depth"の例文
  12. "breaking down (e.g. in the middle of a bout)"の例文
  13. "breaking down a position by eliminating an equal number of black and white stones to analyze"の例文

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