breaking strainsの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3
  1. Does anyone have any idea of the breaking strain on one of those things?
  2. The drum held two ropes each over long, with a breaking strain of 234 tons.
  3. The beam had a breaking strain of 175 tons and had been made nearby by Messrs Losh, Wilson and Bell of Walker.
  4. In a successful experiment, the load on the cable as it stretches won't exceed the breaking strain of the cable.
  5. "Breaking Strain " was one of the stories incorporated into the novel and film " 2001 : A Space Odyssey ."


  1. "breaking speed"の例文
  2. "breaking squeal"の例文
  3. "breaking state"の例文
  4. "breaking step"の例文
  5. "breaking strain"の例文
  6. "breaking strength"の例文
  7. "breaking system"の例文
  8. "breaking tenacity"の例文
  9. "breaking test"の例文
  10. "breaking the bank"の例文
  11. "breaking step"の例文
  12. "breaking strain"の例文
  13. "breaking strength"の例文
  14. "breaking system"の例文

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