brushes upの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. He realized that he needed to brush up on his dancing.
  2. _Read to brush up on U . S . Constitution.
  3. Look pretty and brush up on your current events, girls!
  4. Having to brush up on Spanish just to read hate mail.
  5. Astronauts brush up on new skills to make orbital outpost a home


  1. "brushes by"の例文
  2. "brushes clough reservoir"の例文
  3. "brushes down"の例文
  4. "brushes off"の例文
  5. "brushes on"の例文
  6. "brushett"の例文
  7. "brushfield"の例文
  8. "brushfield spot"の例文
  9. "brushfield spots"の例文
  10. "brushfire"の例文
  11. "brushes off"の例文
  12. "brushes on"の例文
  13. "brushett"の例文
  14. "brushfield"の例文

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