

    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. We had so many brushfires we were trying to put out.
  2. Malibu residents have grown accustomed to damaging surf, mudslides and brushfires.
  3. The new guy will have to deal with all sorts of little brushfires.
  4. "You're left trying to put out brushfires ."
  5. Some of our problems are universal, appearing like brushfires across the country.


  1. "brushfield spots"の例文
  2. "brushfire"の例文
  3. "brushfire fairytales"の例文
  4. "brushfire records"の例文
  5. "brushfire war"の例文
  6. "brushfoots"の例文
  7. "brushford"の例文
  8. "brushful"の例文
  9. "brushgear"の例文
  10. "brushguard"の例文
  11. "brushfire records"の例文
  12. "brushfire war"の例文
  13. "brushfoots"の例文
  14. "brushford"の例文

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