brushing awayの例文


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  1. Hatchett says, casually brushing away imaginary lint off her clothes.
  2. Some in the courtroom thought they saw him brushing away a tear.
  3. Brushing away rain and tears, they came from down the block.
  4. They even take to grooming her _ brushing away dirt, picking her scabs.
  5. By the time McGovern finishes speaking, Harris-Lewis is brushing away tears.


  1. "brushily"の例文
  2. "brushing"の例文
  3. "brushing and linking"の例文
  4. "brushing and steaming"の例文
  5. "brushing aside"の例文
  6. "brushing by"の例文
  7. "brushing down"の例文
  8. "brushing electroplating"の例文
  9. "brushing lacquer"の例文
  10. "brushing machine"の例文
  11. "brushing and steaming"の例文
  12. "brushing aside"の例文
  13. "brushing by"の例文
  14. "brushing down"の例文

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