brushing methodの例文


  1. Through professional organizations and dentistry schools at Harvard and Tufts universities, he contacted more than 30 dentists and other specialists and learned about a tooth-brushing method called the Bass technique, considered especially effective at removing plaque.


  1. "brushing by"の例文
  2. "brushing down"の例文
  3. "brushing electroplating"の例文
  4. "brushing lacquer"の例文
  5. "brushing machine"の例文
  6. "brushing off"の例文
  7. "brushing plating"の例文
  8. "brushing teeth"の例文
  9. "brushing test"の例文
  10. "brushing the roof"の例文
  11. "brushing lacquer"の例文
  12. "brushing machine"の例文
  13. "brushing off"の例文
  14. "brushing plating"の例文

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