buffering capacityの例文


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  1. :Actually, saliva is quite limited in its buffering capacity.
  2. Widely accepted risk factors are hyperventilation, prolonged circulation time, and reduced blood gas buffering capacity.
  3. The buffering capacity of saliva greatly impacts the pH of plaque surrounding the enamel, thereby inhibiting caries progression.
  4. The buffering capacity is very good.
  5. Lakes and ponds occurring on conglomerate tend to be clear, nutrient-poor, and very acidic, due to limited buffering capacity of the bedrock.


  1. "bufferin plus"の例文
  2. "buffering"の例文
  3. "buffering action"の例文
  4. "buffering agent"の例文
  5. "buffering agents"の例文
  6. "buffering compound"の例文
  7. "buffering compounds"の例文
  8. "buffering effect"の例文
  9. "buffering layer"の例文
  10. "buffering of soil"の例文
  11. "buffering agent"の例文
  12. "buffering agents"の例文
  13. "buffering compound"の例文
  14. "buffering compounds"の例文

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