burst cycleの例文


  1. Historically, third parties in America have gone through bubble-and-burst cycles.
  2. The area was affected by the real estate boom-and-burst cycle from 2001 to 2007.
  3. However, the bus was not fully multiplexed; the lower 8-bits of address were available during data cycles, which allowed Zorro III to support a fast burst cycle in page-mode.
  4. NovaBay Pharmaceuticals, Inc . was founded by Ron Najafi, an organic chemist who had previously worked for several pharmaceutical, chemical and biotech companies in the U . S . Najafi became intrigued by HOCl, hypochlorous acid, an antimicrobial substance produced by White Blood Cells while investigating the chemical reaction of White Blood Cells during oxidative burst cycle.


  1. "burst command"の例文
  2. "burst communications"の例文
  3. "burst correcting code"の例文
  4. "burst correction"の例文
  5. "burst cutting area"の例文
  6. "burst data"の例文
  7. "burst detector"の例文
  8. "burst disc"の例文
  9. "burst discharge"の例文
  10. "burst disk"の例文
  11. "burst correction"の例文
  12. "burst cutting area"の例文
  13. "burst data"の例文
  14. "burst detector"の例文

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