

    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. Other staunch examples of Americana are buttressing the economic good times.
  2. The town was buttressing its history as much as its infrastructure.
  3. Thus the area was stabilised by buttressing and inserting drainage adits.
  4. The trunk is beige in colour, cylindrical with little buttressing.
  5. This effort can be accompanied by strengthening UNPROFOR and buttressing its protections.


  1. "buttressed retaining wall"の例文
  2. "buttressed root"の例文
  3. "buttressed trunk"の例文
  4. "buttressed wall"の例文
  5. "buttresses"の例文
  6. "buttressing effect"の例文
  7. "buttressings"の例文
  8. "buttrey"の例文
  9. "buttrey big fresh"の例文
  10. "buttrey food"の例文
  11. "buttressed wall"の例文
  12. "buttresses"の例文
  13. "buttressing effect"の例文
  14. "buttressings"の例文

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