buy forwardの例文


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  1. As a reaction, they enter the foreign exchange market to buy forward cover from commercial banks.
  2. That made it prohibitively expensive for foreign investors to borrow the baht they need to buy forward contracts on the currency.
  3. That made it prohibitively expensive for foreign investors to borrow the baht they need in order to buy forward contracts on the currency.
  4. The remaining $ 4 billion went to multinational corporations which had baht assets and needed to buy forward contracts to protect their positions.
  5. Satian Tantanasarit, senior vice-president of Thai Danu Bank, treasury department, suggested importers buy forward contracts if their foreign repayments come due within a short period.


  1. "buy for"の例文
  2. "buy for cash"の例文
  3. "buy for money"の例文
  4. "buy for the rise"の例文
  5. "buy foreign securities"の例文
  6. "buy from"の例文
  7. "buy furniture"の例文
  8. "buy gold"の例文
  9. "buy gold as a hedge against inflation"の例文
  10. "buy goods wholesale"の例文
  11. "buy for the rise"の例文
  12. "buy foreign securities"の例文
  13. "buy from"の例文
  14. "buy furniture"の例文

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