buy in wholesale quantitiesの例文
they always buy in large quantities
Br > they always buy in large quantities They always buy in large quantities They always buy in large quantities They always buy in large quantities
buy goods wholesale
Local businessmen travel to China, Russia, the Baltic states, Turkey and Iran to buy goods wholesale and bring those goods to G'ijduvon. Unplugging appliances, getting a group of neighbors......
buy wholesale
"But that predisposition doesn't mean that he'll buy wholesale into any government-written remedy package," They receive some food free; the rest they buy wholesale. He seems to be betting......
buy wholesale and sell retail
"What we do is buy wholesale and sell retail, " said Jack Cory, a state lobbyist in Florida and spokesman for the Association of Diagnostic Imaging Companies, a group formed by some of the......
wholesale buy
And, this application would require " the wholesale buy-in of both police forces and civilians, " according to Jenna Wortham of " The New York Times ". Bezzone, a 41-year-old state game wa......
buy buy baby
Other stores that carried the company's products by mid 2014 included Buy Buy Baby and Nordstrom. Further north is the AMC theatres, while across from it is a Buy Buy Baby, hhgregg, and Am......
to buy or not to buy
LOS ANGELES-- To buy or not to buy. "Hamlet " _ To buy or not to buy? Now came the best part of the meeting : to buy or not to buy. Soon came the best part of the meeting : to buy or not t......
addition of complex quantities
Addition of complex quantities
approximate quantities
The approximate quantity and guarded wording of the UN statement indicated a voter turnout of no higher than 33 %. The CVS, at any one time, gives the approximate quantity of vandalism cur......
bill of quantities
Where the bill of quantities or schedule of rates is not a contract document the rates shall still apply. These include bills of quantities, land acquisition monitoring and planning, sched......
bills of quantities
Where the bill of quantities or schedule of rates is not a contract document the rates shall still apply. These include bills of quantities, land acquisition monitoring and planning, sched......
bills of quantities system
Bills of quantities system
circuit quantities
In order to synthesize a left-handed medium ( ? < 0 and ? < 0 ) the series reactance and shunt susceptibility should become negative, because the material parameters are directly proportio......
complex quantities
Generally, ZY is a complex quantity, Note that by the given definition, V _ \ parallel is a complex quantity. The basic idea is to use a real valued, it is convenient to define the complex......
conjugate quantities
Physical quantities come in pairs called conjugate quantities. When one quantity was measured, and became determined, the conjugated quantity became indeterminate. The Poisson bracket of t......
conserved quantities
Lie algebra, as proven by conserved quantities in a system. Often, Sankey diagrams show conserved quantities within defined system boundaries. It admits a conserved quantity, but this is n......
constant quantities
This is done by dividing each variable by corresponding constant quantities. Organic materials supply these in varying amounts and not in such constant quantities as the inorganic fertilis......
contract bill of quantities-boq
Contract bill of quantities - boq
copious quantities in all urban areas
OCCURRENCES : Copious quantities in all urban areas.
correction to observed quantities
Correction to observed quantities
definite quantities
Iranian mathematician, Abk Ja'far al-Khzin ( 900 & ndash; 971 ) provides a definition of rational and irrational magnitudes, stating that if a definite quantity is: This is because the ......
dimension of economic quantities
For example, in " " The Theory of Political Economy " ", Chapter II, the subsection on " Theory of Dimensions of Economic Quantities ", Jevons makes the statement that " In the first place......
dimensionless quantities
This equilibrium constant is dimensionless as activity is a dimensionless quantity. The interaction strength is parametrized by the classically dimensionless quantity ?. Dimensionless quan......
economic quantities
Additionally the translation of economic quantities into environmental impacts is not validated. Shales that host economic quantities of gas have a number of common properties. In 1421 the......
economical quantities
Coal was first discovered at Ceres in 1842, and a shaft sunk in 1854, but despite much excitement economical quantities were never found. Because shale has matrix permeability too low to a......