by force of armsの例文


  1. in the end choshu domain avoided collision by force of arms and withdrew; the joi ha group court nobles left kyoto and lost their position .
  2. some also consider that a decision was made , trying to solve the problem by force of arms , taking into consideration the nature of kamakura bakufu as a military government , or trying to prepare the defense system by alerting its people about a threat from foreign countries .


  1. "by following these signs"の例文
  2. "by force"の例文
  3. "by force and arms"の例文
  4. "by force and guile"の例文
  5. "by force of"の例文
  6. "by force of character"の例文
  7. "by force of circumstance"の例文
  8. "by force of circumstances"の例文
  9. "by force of contrast"の例文
  10. "by force and guile"の例文
  11. "by force of"の例文
  12. "by force of character"の例文
  13. "by force of circumstance"の例文

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