capital importの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3
  1. Ohio Highway Capital Import, $ 200 million of debt securities.
  2. Nevada Capital Imports, $ 110 million of debt securities.
  3. One way or another, Sachs says, capital imports must be paid for out of revenues from sales abroad.
  4. The vice minister said China is also " reconsidering " a tax it imposed last year on capital imports of foreign companies.
  5. "Its current account deficit is higher than I would like, but its mostly from capital imports being used to build infrastructure, " he said.


  1. "capital i"の例文
  2. "capital idea"の例文
  3. "capital impact partners"の例文
  4. "capital impairment"の例文
  5. "capital impairment rule"の例文
  6. "capital importing country"の例文
  7. "capital improvement"の例文
  8. "capital improvement budget"の例文
  9. "capital improvement fund"の例文
  10. "capital improvement plan"の例文
  11. "capital impairment"の例文
  12. "capital impairment rule"の例文
  13. "capital importing country"の例文
  14. "capital improvement"の例文

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