care insuranceの例文


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  1. Award tax benefits for purchase of long-term care insurance.
  2. The culprit : huge increases in health-care insurance costs.
  3. They disagree on when to buy long-term care insurance.
  4. Tax incentives to buy private, Long-term care insurance.
  5. The contribution covers pension, unemployment, health and care insurance.


  1. "care hospitals"の例文
  2. "care in applications"の例文
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  5. "care inspectorate"の例文
  6. "care international"の例文
  7. "care johnson"の例文
  8. "care kill a cat"の例文
  9. "care killed a cat"の例文
  10. "care killed the cat"の例文
  11. "care in the community"の例文
  12. "care inspectorate"の例文
  13. "care international"の例文
  14. "care johnson"の例文

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