care norwayの例文


  1. CARE Norway demanded that McDonald's withdraw the burger.
  2. CARE Norway had been created in 1980, and CAREs in Italy and the UK were established.
  3. This new body was named CARE International and met for the first time on January 29, 1982, with CARE Canada, CARE Germany, CARE Norway, and CARE USA ( formerly simply CARE ) in attendance.


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  2. "care maps"の例文
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  7. "care not killing"の例文
  8. "care nothing about"の例文
  9. "care nothing for"の例文
  10. "care nought for"の例文
  11. "care net"の例文
  12. "care new england"の例文
  13. "care not cash"の例文
  14. "care not killing"の例文

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