care not killingの例文


  1. This story was criticised by the Association for Palliative Medicine and the anti-euthanasia charity Care Not Killing as inaccurate.
  2. Dignity in Dying are often opposed by groups such as Care Not Killing, a group that includes the Christian Medical Fellowship, the Church of England and the Church of Scotland.
  3. Nevertheless, the organisation has been associated with the Alive and Kicking Campaign, an umbrella group of pro-life organisations pressing for wide-ranging abortion law reform, and the Care Not Killing Alliance, a coalition of anti-euthanasia campaigners from many different backgrounds, including pro-life organisations, parliamentarians, medical professionals, and religious groups.
  4. Arguing against legalization, Peter Saunders, campaign director for Care Not Killing, an alliance of Christian and disability groups, called Doyal's proposals " the very worst form of medical paternalism whereby doctors can end the lives of patients after making a judgment that their lives are of no value and claim that they are simply acting in their patients'best interests ".
  5. The Church has frequently stressed its opposition to various attempts to introduce legislation to permit euthanasia, even under strictly controlled circumstances as incompatible with Christianity . " The church is associated with the Care Not Killing organisation in " Promoting more and better palliative care . / Ensuring that existing laws against euthanasia and assisted suicide are not weakened or repealed during the lifetime of the current Parliament . / Influencing the balance of public opinion further against any weakening of the law ."


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