casement threeの例文


  1. Kelly and the two others, known as the " Casement Three, " were sentenced to life imprisonment.
  2. Many point to the life sentences being served by Michael Timmons, Patrick Kane and Sean Kelly, the so-called Casement Three.
  3. The men ( Pat Kane, Mickey Timmons, and Se醤 ?Ceallaigh ) were dubbed the " Casement Three " by republicans who disputed the validity of their convictions.
  4. Kelly and the two others, known as the " Casement Three, " were given life sentences and served their time in an IRA wing of the Maze prison.
  5. He and two others who became known as the " Casement Three " were sentenced to life under the " common purpose " legal theory that was criticized by human rights groups.


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  11. "casement sections"の例文
  12. "casement stay"の例文
  13. "casement window"の例文
  14. "casement windows"の例文

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