cattaro bayの例文


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  1. On her delivery voyage, however, she was overloaded with dismantled machinery and foundered in a gale off Kumbor in Cattaro Bay on 17 October 1919.
  2. She continued in this role through World War I, based at Cattaro Bay, where her crew took part in the Cattaro Mutiny in early 1918.
  3. Late that year, " Erzherzog Albrecht ", the unarmored frigate, and several smaller vessels were sent to Cattaro Bay to help suppress a revolt there.
  4. She took part in the shelling of enemy batteries on Mount Lov en ( which dominated Cattaro Bay ) on 9 September 1914 and again on 8 / 9 January 1916.
  5. The following day, shore batteries loyal to the government fired on " Kronprinz Erzherzog Rudolf " as she steamed to the Bay of Teodo, the outermost part of Cattaro Bay.


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