caught stealingの例文


  1. anybody caught stealing will face consequences .
    泥棒を捕まえたものは誰でも 結果に直面するだろう
  2. pyp was caught stealing a wheel of cheese .
    ピップはチーズの塊を 盗んで捕まった
  3. i thought you were caught stealing a wheel of cheese for your starving sister ?
    姉妹の飢えを補う為 チーズを盗んだら 同じ様に考えたか?


  1. "caught on film"の例文
  2. "caught red-handed"の例文
  3. "caught running from the place where"の例文
  4. "caught short"の例文
  5. "caught speeding"の例文
  6. "caught trying to"の例文
  7. "caught unawares"の例文
  8. "caught unprepared"の例文
  9. "caught up in"の例文
  10. "caught short"の例文
  11. "caught speeding"の例文
  12. "caught trying to"の例文
  13. "caught unawares"の例文

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