

    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8
  1. Chaquico remained when Kantner left and the band morphed into Starship.
  2. Craig Chaquico has a signature thin-line acoustic / electric model.
  3. By 1991, Ahlers and Chaquico joined forces and signed with Higher Octave Records.
  4. Chaquico is the former lead guitarist for Jefferson Starship with 20 gold albums to his credit.
  5. Elliot's music is tagged contemporary jazz, while Chaquico's is called New Age.


  1. "chaquan"の例文
  2. "chaque"の例文
  3. "chaque jour a son secret"の例文
  4. "chaqueta"の例文
  5. "chaqui"の例文
  6. "chaquicocha"の例文
  7. "chaquin"の例文
  8. "chaquita"の例文
  9. "char"の例文
  10. "char 2c"の例文
  11. "chaqueta"の例文
  12. "chaqui"の例文
  13. "chaquicocha"の例文
  14. "chaquin"の例文

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