char asiabの例文


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  1. It is the district center of Char Asiab District, Kabul Province.
  2. The Kabul River flows through Char Asiab district.
  3. The headquarters of Char Asiab district is Qala-e Malik, which is located in the western end of the district.
  4. By the beginning of October the force was at Char Asiab, twelve miles from Kabul, where 8, 000 Afghans were dug in.
  5. Mussai district borders Char Asiab District to the west, Bagrami District to the north, Khaki Jabbar District to the east and Logar Province to the south.


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  6. "char asiab district"の例文
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  11. "char adhyay"の例文
  12. "char area"の例文
  13. "char asiab district"の例文
  14. "char avell"の例文

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