

    もっと例文:   1  2  3
  1. The Cheloniidae, Cheloniidae Turtle Graphics, is a 3D turtle library for Java.
  2. The Cheloniidae, Cheloniidae Turtle Graphics, is a 3D turtle library for Java.
  3. Sea turtles ( Cheloniidae ) are a family of large tortoises found in all tropical seas and some subtropical and temperate seas.
  4. I would like to move the Sea _ turtle # Cladogram section into the article Cheloniidae whre it makes logical sense too be.
  5. The species ( along with the entire family Cheloniidae ) has been listed on Appendix I of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species.


  1. "chelonians"の例文
  2. "chelonias"の例文
  3. "chelonibiidae"の例文
  4. "chelonii"の例文
  5. "cheloniid"の例文
  6. "cheloniidaes"の例文
  7. "cheloniids"の例文
  8. "chelonioidea"の例文
  9. "chelonitoxism"の例文
  10. "chelonoidis"の例文
  11. "chelonii"の例文
  12. "cheloniid"の例文
  13. "cheloniidaes"の例文
  14. "cheloniids"の例文

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