

    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. Chlordiazepoxide taken during pregnancy can cause a postnatal benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome.
  2. The degree of tolerance is more pronounced with clonazepam than with chlordiazepoxide.
  3. Nine patients responded only to chlordiazepoxide and four responded to neither drug.
  4. Nitrazepam, however, caused more profound abnormalities than chlordiazepoxide.
  5. Chlordiazepoxide is similar to phenobarbital in its anticonvulsant properties.


  1. "chlordane"の例文
  2. "chlordanes"の例文
  3. "chlordecone"の例文
  4. "chlordesmethyldiazepam"の例文
  5. "chlordiazepoxide"の例文
  6. "chlordimeform"の例文
  7. "chlorea"の例文
  8. "chlorella"の例文
  9. "chlorella extract"の例文
  10. "chlorella powder"の例文
  11. "chlordesmethyldiazepam"の例文
  12. "chlordiazepoxide"の例文
  13. "chlordimeform"の例文
  14. "chlorea"の例文

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