chronically inflamedの例文


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  1. Calculus formation is associated with a number of clinical manifestations, including chronically inflamed gingiva.
  2. Some organs of the body show greater risk of cancer when they are chronically inflamed.
  3. And because her sinuses were also chronically inflamed, Dr . Langmack prescribed a corticosteroid nose spray.
  4. Eddie Lang had a chronically inflamed sore throat and had felt ill for a year or eighteen months.
  5. In addition to his shoulder, he is nursing a painful left hip pointer and a chronically inflamed right elbow.


  1. "chronically"の例文
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  7. "chronically sick and disabled persons act"の例文
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  10. "chronicle"の例文
  11. "chronically ill man"の例文
  12. "chronically infected"の例文
  13. "chronically metropolitan"の例文
  14. "chronically sick and disabled persons act"の例文

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