chronically sick and disabled persons actの例文


  1. In 1970 Morris successfully introduced the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act, which was the first in the world to recognise and give rights to people with disabilities.
  2. In particular, the Act creates an offence of being drunk in public with a maximum fine of level 1 on the standard scale ( currently ?00 ); and of being drunk in a public place while in charge of a horse, a cow ( or other cattle ), a steam engine, or a carriage, or in possession of a loaded firearm, with a possible penalty of a fine of up to level 1 on the standard scale ( again currently ?00 ) or 51 weeks in prison . " Carriage " has been interpreted as including mobility scooters, though exemptions apply under the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970; bicycles are covered by their own offence in the Road Traffic Act 1988.


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  14. "chronicl"の例文

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