clothes mothの例文


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  1. I was told they are millers, at least not clothes moths.
  2. Like clothes moths, carpet beetles are likewise drawn to proteins, and can be quite destructive.
  3. A few, including the clothes moth, feed on detritus.
  4. Commonly noticed " micros " include the plume moth and the various species of clothes moth.
  5. Heated buildings allow clothes moths to develop year-round.


  1. "clothes make the man"の例文
  2. "clothes make the men"の例文
  3. "clothes make the pirate"の例文
  4. "clothes make the woman"の例文
  5. "clothes minded"の例文
  6. "clothes moths"の例文
  7. "clothes of sand"の例文
  8. "clothes off"の例文
  9. "clothes optional"の例文
  10. "clothes or jewelry"の例文
  11. "clothes make the woman"の例文
  12. "clothes minded"の例文
  13. "clothes moths"の例文
  14. "clothes of sand"の例文

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