

    もっと例文:   1  2
  1. The White House initiative in cludes a request for $ 10 million next year to hire about 100 investigators and upgrade computers.
  2. The family, which now in cludes 2-year-old Michael, owns and runs Sampley Airport, a dusty landing strip and hangar.
  3. As a store owner in a neighborhood that in cludes Puerto Ricans, she said she's learning to be more sensitive to the needs of Latinos.
  4. What was once a client list with a heavy Midwestern accent now in cludes new residents from all over, she said, from every economic strata and in every age group.
  5. KOSHER QUESTIONS : There's a rabbi at Gourmet Kosher ( www . GourmetKosher . com ), where folks of all faiths can submit e-mail questions relating to kosher cooking . ( A kosher chef takes inquiries on these pages, too . ) The site's recipe board in-cludes secrets to making Roasted Chicken With Fresh Sage, Black Bean Soup, and plenty of sauces, entrees, desserts and side dishes.


  1. "clud"の例文
  2. "clude"の例文
  3. "cluded"の例文
  4. "cluden"の例文
  5. "cluden racecourse"の例文
  6. "cludge"の例文
  7. "cludgie"の例文
  8. "cluding"の例文
  9. "cludius"の例文
  10. "clue"の例文
  11. "cluden"の例文
  12. "cluden racecourse"の例文
  13. "cludge"の例文
  14. "cludgie"の例文

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