clutch brakeの例文


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  1. Clutch braking became popular only because of its mechanical simplicity.
  2. On a semi-truck with double clutching required, but a clutch brake is required as well.
  3. The main disadvantage, like the clutch braking system, is that steering dissipates heat through the brakes.
  4. The clutch brake stops the rotation of the gears, and allows the truck to be put into gear without grinding when stationary.
  5. Differential braking actually predates clutch braking on tracked vehicles, having been initially introduced by Richard Hornsby & Sons in 1905 on the world's first tracked vehicle.


  1. "clutch bags"の例文
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  5. "clutch box"の例文
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  7. "clutch cargo"の例文
  8. "clutch case"の例文
  9. "clutch casing"の例文
  10. "clutch city"の例文
  11. "clutch bell housing"の例文
  12. "clutch box"の例文
  13. "clutch cable"の例文
  14. "clutch cargo"の例文

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