co-occurrence matrixの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5
  1. A new feature extracting algorithm based gray level co - occurrence matrix
  2. Seafloor sediment classification using a neighborhood gray level co - occurrence matrix
  3. Content - based image retrieval in database using svm and gray primitive co - occurrence matrix
  4. The segmentation method of retinal blood vessels based on gray level - gradient co - occurrence matrix
  5. Co - occurrence matrixes identify repeated occurrences of gray level pixel configurations within the texture


  1. "co-located team"の例文
  2. "co-manager"の例文
  3. "co-marketing"の例文
  4. "co-marketing alliances"の例文
  5. "co-occurrence"の例文
  6. "co-occurrences"の例文
  7. "co-operate"の例文
  8. "co-operation between institutions"の例文
  9. "co-operative building society"の例文
  10. "co-operative housing scheme"の例文
  11. "co-marketing alliances"の例文
  12. "co-occurrence"の例文
  13. "co-occurrences"の例文
  14. "co-operate"の例文

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