coffee chocolateの例文


  1. Coffee chocolate chip, chocolate peanut butter, and vanilla oatmeal raisin are the three flavors available at supermarkets, including Pathmark, Grand Union and Shop Rite, for $ 2.75 to $ 4 a pint.
  2. Coffee chocolate chip, chocolate peanut butter, and vanilla oatmeal raisin are the three flavors available at supermarkets, including Pathmark, Grand Union and Shop Rite, for $ 2 . 75 to $ 4 a pint.


  1. "coffee capsules"の例文
  2. "coffee center"の例文
  3. "coffee ceremony"の例文
  4. "coffee cherry"の例文
  5. "coffee cherry tea"の例文
  6. "coffee city"の例文
  7. "coffee club"の例文
  8. "coffee coffee"の例文
  9. "coffee connection"の例文
  10. "coffee cooler"の例文
  11. "coffee cherry"の例文
  12. "coffee cherry tea"の例文
  13. "coffee city"の例文
  14. "coffee club"の例文

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