coffee cityの例文


  1. Other residents walked north toward rebel-held Man, a key coffee city seized last Thursday by insurgents.
  2. Morning mist rises from a hill of broken concrete and twisted metal, the legacy of a deadly earthquake that erased much of this once-prosperous coffee city.


  1. "coffee center"の例文
  2. "coffee ceremony"の例文
  3. "coffee cherry"の例文
  4. "coffee cherry tea"の例文
  5. "coffee chocolate"の例文
  6. "coffee club"の例文
  7. "coffee coffee"の例文
  8. "coffee connection"の例文
  9. "coffee cooler"の例文
  10. "coffee correctional facility"の例文
  11. "coffee cherry tea"の例文
  12. "coffee chocolate"の例文
  13. "coffee club"の例文
  14. "coffee coffee"の例文

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