coffee countyの例文


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  1. The Coffee County jury deliberated four days before issuing the verdict Friday.
  2. There are almost 1, 000 medium-security inmates in the Coffee County prison.
  3. Broxton officer James Bryant, 35, and Coffee County Deputy Almond " Tub"
  4. Atkinson ( 1917 ) counties were subsequently formed from sections of Coffee County.
  5. He left the Coffee County jail on Oct . 2, 1999, and disappeared.


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  2. "coffee coffee"の例文
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  4. "coffee cooler"の例文
  5. "coffee correctional facility"の例文
  6. "coffee county central high school"の例文
  7. "coffee county courthouse"の例文
  8. "coffee crater"の例文
  9. "coffee cream"の例文
  10. "coffee creamer"の例文
  11. "coffee cooler"の例文
  12. "coffee correctional facility"の例文
  13. "coffee county central high school"の例文
  14. "coffee county courthouse"の例文

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