

    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. We have to comply with legal directives that prohibit overnight stays.
  2. Should Baghdad be given an endless amount of time to comply?
  3. Austin is not affected because it complies with federal ozone limits.
  4. Without providing sufficient federal funding to enable the state to comply,
  5. I would require the Secretary to comply with that statutory mandate.


  1. "comply with rules"の例文
  2. "comply with safety regulations"の例文
  3. "comply with the constitution"の例文
  4. "comply with the rules"の例文
  5. "complying"の例文
  6. "compm2"の例文
  7. "compn"の例文
  8. "compnation"の例文
  9. "compnay"の例文
  10. "compo"の例文
  11. "comply with the rules"の例文
  12. "complying"の例文
  13. "compm2"の例文
  14. "compn"の例文

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