

  1. Rumors are that several major banks'option desks demise was due to their lack of valuing the durvexity componant of option pricing.
  2. On Tuesday, it hit record highs against the euro, a cross Anderson said " isolates the safe-haven componant of Swiss ."
  3. "Gozasht ", an Iranian word meaning'tolerance, understanding and a desire or willingness to forgive'is an essential componant of Qahr and Ashti for both psychological needs of cognition, as well as a culturally accepted source for practicing necessary religious requirements of " tawbah " " ( repentance, see Koran 2 : 222 ) " and " du'a " ( supplication ).


  1. "compo rations"の例文
  2. "compobasso"の例文
  3. "compoint"の例文
  4. "compomer"の例文
  5. "compomers"の例文
  6. "compone"の例文
  7. "componed"の例文
  8. "componency"の例文
  9. "component"の例文
  10. "component a"の例文
  11. "compomer"の例文
  12. "compomers"の例文
  13. "compone"の例文
  14. "componed"の例文

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