component assemblyの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4
  1. The complex also contains a truck engine factory and several smaller components assembly lines.
  2. Floor or touch workers belong to component assembly teams.
  3. Humulene can also by synthesized using a combination of four-component assembly and palladium-mediated cyclization, outlined below.
  4. Bentong has many light and medium industries, including timber factories, food industries and electronic components assembly factory.
  5. "We can confirm that the Philippines remains a possible location for future GM investment for component assembly, " he said in a statement.


  1. "component analog"の例文
  2. "component analysis"の例文
  3. "component application"の例文
  4. "component approach"の例文
  5. "component architecture"の例文
  6. "component audio"の例文
  7. "component authoring"の例文
  8. "component b"の例文
  9. "component bars"の例文
  10. "component based development"の例文
  11. "component approach"の例文
  12. "component architecture"の例文
  13. "component audio"の例文
  14. "component authoring"の例文

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