もっと例文: 1 2
- without the concurrence of the council of elders .
必ず長老の協議会の同意が必要です - saw an increase in revenue in concurrence
営業利益アップに つながっているという➡ - when murashige rebelled , since his lord , masamoto kodera , also revolted against nobunaga in concurrence with murashige , masamoto was conquered by nobunaga ' s heir nobutada oda .
村重の謀反の際、主君の小寺政職も同調して信長から離反したため、信長の嫡男・織田信忠によって討伐された。 - the revision of treaties was carried out in concurrence with the establishment of the meiji constitution , and the foreign minister kaoru inoue of the hirobumi ito cabinet engaged in negotiation while promoting the policy of europeanization such as the construction of rokumeikan (deer-cry hall ).
条約改正は明治憲法制定と同時並行で取り組まれ、伊藤博文内閣の外相井上馨は鹿鳴館に代表される欧化政策を行いつつ交渉を進めた。 - the frame , however , had become severely loosened and the condition of okabe on the east side was particularly was noticeable being in a desperate need for repairs in concurrence with the main building but , due to the budget constraint , only the walls were repaired as a temporary measure .