

    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4
  1. It's not a particularly common or conventionalised literary device either.
  2. The content of the poems is highly conventionalised.
  3. It is not as conventionalised or complex as natural sign languages, and has a limited lexicon.
  4. This implication flows from the conventionalised symbolic meanings which the natural objects described in the poem have.
  5. Frequently used slang also have become conventionalised into memetic " unit [ s ] of cultural information ".


  1. "conventional wisdom"の例文
  2. "conventional wisdom suggests that"の例文
  3. "conventionalisation"の例文
  4. "conventionalisations"の例文
  5. "conventionalise"の例文
  6. "conventionalising"の例文
  7. "conventionalism"の例文
  8. "conventionalisms"の例文
  9. "conventionalist"の例文
  10. "conventionalists"の例文
  11. "conventionalisations"の例文
  12. "conventionalise"の例文
  13. "conventionalising"の例文
  14. "conventionalism"の例文

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