

  1. Lagos was personal secretary of General Roque Gonz醠ez Garza when the latter was named president of the Republic by the conventionalists.
  2. Eventually the war against the Conventionalists was won after the assassination of Zapata in 1919 and the surrender of Villa in July 1920.
  3. Conventionalists fear the venerable post may be seized by Prime Minister Tony Blair's culture savvy government as an opportunity to make a statement about diversity or populism.
  4. When fighting broke out in 1914 between the Constitutionalists ( Carranza, Obreg髇, etc . ) and the Conventionalists ( Villa and Zapata ) following the Convention of Aguascalientes, the Constitutional Army numbered 57, 000 men, to Villa and Zapata's 72, 000 men.
  5. Among the best known of these overprints are the " GCM " monograms, standing for " Gobierno Constitutionalista Mexicano " or the " Constitutional Mexican Government . " Varieties of this overprint were first used by the Conventionalists supported by Villa, and later by the Constitutionalists and known as the Carranza overprints.


  1. "conventionalised"の例文
  2. "conventionalising"の例文
  3. "conventionalism"の例文
  4. "conventionalisms"の例文
  5. "conventionalist"の例文
  6. "conventionalities"の例文
  7. "conventionality"の例文
  8. "conventionalization"の例文
  9. "conventionalizations"の例文
  10. "conventionalize"の例文
  11. "conventionalisms"の例文
  12. "conventionalist"の例文
  13. "conventionalities"の例文
  14. "conventionality"の例文

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