

    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. and conversely , i wanted to see it not in all its glory
    同時に きらびやかさを失った
  2. conversely , doesn't that mean you were cherished
    それはむしろ 梨子さんが大事にされた
  3. and conversely , those 43 people are the only ones i remember .
  4. conversely excuse me to have lunch with me
    逆にすいません お昼つきあわせて とんでもない
  5. and conversely , for every species or other entity
    逆に述べると あらゆる種 もの あるいは事象には


  1. "converse with"の例文
  2. "converse with people all over the world without leaving japan at all"の例文
  3. "converse with someone on"の例文
  4. "converse with the terminal"の例文
  5. "converse without reserve"の例文
  6. "converses are not generally true"の例文
  7. "conversing from the heart"の例文
  8. "conversion"の例文
  9. "conversion (in programming languages)"の例文
  10. "converse with the terminal"の例文
  11. "converse without reserve"の例文
  12. "converses are not generally true"の例文
  13. "conversing from the heart"の例文

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