coronoid processの例文


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  1. The plate continues to the rear into a high coronoid process.
  2. The coronoid process of the lower jaw is strongly protruding.
  3. The coronoid process of the surangular bone is low.
  4. Slips of origin from the coronoid process or from the radius have been seen.
  5. The coronoid process of the rear lower jaw has an oval process at the inside.


  1. "coronograph"の例文
  2. "coronographs"の例文
  3. "coronoid"の例文
  4. "coronoid bones"の例文
  5. "coronoid fossa"の例文
  6. "coronoid process of the mandible"の例文
  7. "coronoid process of the mandibles"の例文
  8. "coronoid process of the ulna"の例文
  9. "coronoid processes"の例文
  10. "coronoids"の例文
  11. "coronoid bones"の例文
  12. "coronoid fossa"の例文
  13. "coronoid process of the mandible"の例文
  14. "coronoid process of the mandibles"の例文

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