correct butの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. The engine was said to be correct but is not confirmed.
  2. I think " then " here is factually correct but unnecessary.
  3. The ones currently on the Wikipedia page are correct but incomplete.
  4. I believe all 4 are correct but just wanted to check.
  5. The comparisons are endless, often correct but sometimes banal.


  1. "correct and copy"の例文
  2. "correct bad habits"の例文
  3. "correct balance"の例文
  4. "correct body position"の例文
  5. "correct boltzmann counting"の例文
  6. "correct card"の例文
  7. "correct century"の例文
  8. "correct colors"の例文
  9. "correct conduct"の例文
  10. "correct coordinates"の例文
  11. "correct body position"の例文
  12. "correct boltzmann counting"の例文
  13. "correct card"の例文
  14. "correct century"の例文

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