correct dataの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. Doing this right depends upon providing the correct data to the autoclave manufacturer.
  2. *Maimonides : The " Philosophy " paragraph contain correct data but with no citations.
  3. It is their event and they will have the correct data on event's success.
  4. However, a cost-benefit examination needs correct data about the hazard types, magnitudes and occurrences.
  5. However, a benefit-cost examination needs correct data about the hazard types, magnitudes and occurrences.


  1. "correct colors"の例文
  2. "correct conduct"の例文
  3. "correct coordinates"の例文
  4. "correct craft"の例文
  5. "correct cure"の例文
  6. "correct decision"の例文
  7. "correct decisions"の例文
  8. "correct deformity"の例文
  9. "correct depth"の例文
  10. "correct deviation"の例文
  11. "correct craft"の例文
  12. "correct cure"の例文
  13. "correct decision"の例文
  14. "correct decisions"の例文

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