correct decisionsの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. At least they took the time to make the correct decision.
  2. This is the correct decision, and we commend the mayor,
  3. Perhaps Texas Rangers first baseman Lee Stevens made the correct decision.
  4. Much more often than not, he made the correct decision.
  5. It was still the correct decision at the time for us.


  1. "correct coordinates"の例文
  2. "correct craft"の例文
  3. "correct cure"の例文
  4. "correct data"の例文
  5. "correct decision"の例文
  6. "correct deformity"の例文
  7. "correct depth"の例文
  8. "correct deviation"の例文
  9. "correct diagnosis"の例文
  10. "correct diction"の例文
  11. "correct data"の例文
  12. "correct decision"の例文
  13. "correct deformity"の例文
  14. "correct depth"の例文

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